Learn Mindfulness to improve wellbeing and boost performance

Our mindfulness course offers you a pathway for living a more authentic, free, and productive life.

Coached by Col Deovrat Pagay, a retired Indian Armed forces officer with over 30 years of practicing and teaching experience in the Army.  Having taught mindfulness, personality development, and NLP to hundreds of students, this course will teach you the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness.

Packed with interactive exercises to help students discover their mental habits and behaviors, this course uses experiential exercises, personal reflections, and interactive discussions to help students become more mindful.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

Discover your inner positivity and become joyful.

Build a calmer demeanor.

  1. Improve your focus and enhance your attention span.
  2. Become aware of your thought patterns and manage your emotions.
  3. Reduce stress and anxiety.
  4. Witness a marked improvement in your work/study performance

Why should I take this course?

Are you stressed by the fast-paced modern life? Do you constantly feel anxious, short-tempered, and confused in life, resulting in degrading relationships and dwindling productivity? If so, learning mindfulness is the solution to all your problems.

Scientifically proven to be effective in stress reduction and promoting overall happiness, the benefits of mindfulness and meditation are countless. Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help people build themselves, understand and work with stress, anxiety and conquer one’s fears.

Hi, I’m Col Deovrat Pagay and I am a retired Indian Armed forces officer. My biggest endeavor has been to help people struggling with self-doubt, lack of emotional intelligence, and social connectedness to reconnect with their inner power and elevate the quality of their life.  With over 30 years of experience under my belt, I bring to you this practical course on becoming more mindful in your everyday life.

Hi, I’m Col Deovrat Pagay and I am a retired Indian Armed Forces officer. My biggest endeavor has been to help people struggling with confidence and communication skills to rise above their fears and build the persona they have always dreamt of being.  With over 30 years of experience under my belt, I bring to you this practical course on developing a magnetic and commanding personality.

My defense background also means that I have been through the journey of developing a magnetic personality and know the ins and outs of building a growth mindset and breaking bad habits.

Wish to learn more about Col Deovrat Pagay and his teaching methodology?

What you’ll learn in this course?

In this course, you’ll learn how to


  1. Use key mindfulness concepts and practices that will help you improve your attention in an enhanced way.
  2. Create practices that will enable you to overcome anxiety, depression, and emotional trauma.
  3. Integrate the benefits of regular meditation into your daily life, as well as creating a regular meditation routine.
  4. Discover ways to apply mindfulness to bring life-changing results.

Who is this course for?

This course is for:

  1. Anyone who strongly believes that they want to become mindful and experience more joy in life
  2. Anyone willing to put in the time and effort to change their habits and thinking patterns.
  3. Anyone looking to learn the nuances of mindfulness and meditation.
  4. Anyone wishing to improve the quality of their life or amplify their productivity at work.

What do people say about this course?

Review 1: This course really helped me discover my inner self and helped me calm my thoughts.  Col Pagay’s passion shines through his way of teaching and he makes sure you grasp all concepts clearly. I really benefitted from the techniques and have been able to successfully implement them in my life.

Review 2: This is a good course on mindfulness. The teaching helped me understand what I lacked in and helped me develop and practice the confidence to change myself. I will definitely recommend this course

 Review 3: Col Pagay has a unique way of explaining things. His tools and techniques are easy to understand and implement. His motivational aspects really encouraged me and the instructor delivered the course in a very engaging manner.

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